because CompostEra is better for the user than the iconic flush-toilet. How can we say that ?
First, what most people have special appreciation
for is that CompostEra is always odor-free: when you enter the toilet, when using
it and when you leave the bathroom. All odors are drawn down into the toilet and up above the roof.
No other bathroom ventilation needed.
Second, the user does not have to do anything after use, you can simply get up and leave and not
be worried about clogging or leaving visual impression on to the next user ...
Thirdly, CompostEra can't freeze or wear out mechanically like WCs do, resulting in flooding or dripping valves.
In a CompostEra, nothing happens fast so there is always time to call for service before anything awful happens
and we offer a service contract in several area where we have sales.
CompostEra is a new "disruptive technology" -- disrupting the long standing failure of WCs + sewers to protect our environment, our water resources our food production and doing all those disservices at an incredibly high cost for both individuals and society ...
CompostEra is built on a process we call Enclosed Long-Term Composting, that quarentines pollution and
disease organisms for many decades. CompostEra finishes the treatemnt on-site, which almost eliminates the
hugely costly transport of "human waste" (which is 90% of the total sewer cost). The on-site process turns it
into a safe and highly desireable fertilizer for food production: a broad spectrum plant-nutrient.
CompostEra's technology can replace most other toilet solutions in year-around housing, vacation houses, camping, rest-areas,
sports arenas, beaches, military camps etc.
What separates CompostEra from other toilets is a simple basic idea: That which we come into daily contact with shall
please all our senses, be beautiful and not present any visual unpleasantries, be silent, be odor-free and be
comfortable to sit on.
That which we cannot see shall be functional and easy to maintain at an affordable price. In Sweden, we offer
a compostEra installation installed for under 4000€ after tax deductions and a function guarantee in
exchange for an affordable service contract.
This is the reason why we are considerably less expensive than other comparabel solutions: That which you
see is nicely designed for the purpose and other parts are tried and trusted products that we provide to
work for our process.
Package content.
CompostEra was the toilet choosen for the Europe's largest music festival, the BOOM
festival 30,000 people coming together for 10 day in Portugal see how: we made 160
toilets with individual cabins -- see
Visit our Facebook page
Carl Lindström, co-founder along with his parents of the first commercial composting toilet Clivus AB, which later became Clivus Multrum AB.
The original patent stipulated that finished compost was to slide along a sloping bottom and appear as finished compost in the lowest point
(CLIVUS means slope in latin). Furthermore it was thought all the liquid in the tank would evaporate. After many decades observations, we found
that this did not happen. Instead the material shrinks aided by both micro and macro-organisms and can, because of the small residue after
several years processing, stay isolated in the processtank for several decades. Of late a next generation of processtanks have been developed,
taking less space and working with less maintenance and service than the older Clivus tanks. Carl works now like earlier with the US corporation
Clivus Multrum USA Inc. In 2007 Carl founded CompostEra AB in Sweden with the sight set on solving the waste problems in the Swedish archipelago.
These tanks are dimensioned to go for 30-50 years without removing solids.
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